Hi Dad,
Know that this letter comes with the usual reminders to take care of yourself and spend time with Mom and the boys. Eat your greens and all that jazz. What I really want to say in this letter, though, is thank you. Thank you for teaching me not to settle, Dad. For never letting my gender limit my potential. For advocating for me and for pushing me to be better. For teaching me to chase dreams down with everything I have. Thank you.
Watching the World Series this past week, all I could think of were our daddy-daughter dates to sports or dinner (and the grand-daddy grand-daughter dates, too.) Even though the Indians lost, the Series was a win for me as it reminded me of our light-hearted times-- the movies and sports and dinners. Already as a small child, you set the bar high for me by never limiting me to dance or music or arts or other traditionally female hobbies. You gave me the world and let me pick my place in it.
Growing up, you knew that I would push limits and you pushed back, toughened me up, taught me how to pick my battles and fight them well. We argued, and you lectured, and I sassed. Through these things, you made me something special. You made me a girl who fights for herself and her loved ones like a man. I know that this sets me apart in an industry that has traditionally been dominated by men. While some may view my disposition as a handicap, I think it is a blessing. It means that I have the privilege of being one of the guys. I have never known what it is to be told by a parent that I am not enough or that my gifts would be better used in a different role. I have always been enough for you.
So thank you. Thank you for loving me and believing in me when I couldn't or didn't. Thank you for making me more and for making me different. I love you, Dad.