With Halloween just around the corner, a clown frenzy has been on the rise. This goes out to the people who think it's cool to dress up in terrifying clown costumes and walk around the woods and random streets late at night; you are the WOAT (Worst Of All Time). The pictures of you standing in the middle of a random street are not "funny;" they are our nightmares coming to life.
First of all, what exactly is your purpose for why you are doing what you are doing? Oh wait, you have none except to get attention and ultimately terrify people and freak them out. I don't understand why this has become a "movement," but I know I am not the only one that is not a fan. You are not doing any good. There are people who now are too scared to walk outside when it is even relatively dark alone. So if your goal was just to scare people, congratulations (*insert applause*), you have done your job!!
Also, I want to warn you to be careful. I know some of your intentions are not to harm people but more of just a Halloween "joke," but there are people willing to hurt you if you come near them so just beware. This is not a threat at all. I'm just saying, since you clowns have caused schools to go on lockdown and caused people to get protective, I would just be cautious if I were you. People are going clown hunting and I know you don't want to find yourself in the middle of that situation. People are scared and just trying to defend themselves so don't be surprised if you get hurt soon. You have gotten the attention that you were wanting so why continue absolutely terrifying people? No need, clowns, no need.
You have caused an uproar and now that you are starting to carry around weapons and actually assault people, I am getting very concerned. There have been numerous arrests and police are having to be on the look out every night. You are distracting our police from just protecting the community because your "prank" has become serious. It is getting our of hand and ridiculous and nobody even understands where your intentions are so let's just stop!!
So, clowns, let's hang up the masks. Let's take a second to evaluate the real threat you are to our communities and campuses and see that the laugh is not worth the terrorization that has incurred. You have induced panic across the nation and it needs to stop!! I'm all for people expressing themselves and playing Halloween pranks but due to the severity of this one, I think it needs to end. You've had a good run. Thanks for causing a rampage across the world (because yes, this has gone international), hope to see you never! Is it November 1st yet?
Anti-Clown Enthusiast