Thank you for making me into the strong independent woman I am today. Thank you for showing me what I am capable of. Thanks to you, I have learned how to pick myself back up over and over again; this has only made me stronger. I now know that I am strong, independent and capable -- so thank you.
Thank you for making me feel worthless for making me feel better than ever when I was able to get passed that. Thank you for breaking my heart so it could heal and I could grow into my most loving self. Thank you for helping me understand exactly what I do not need in my life. I do not need someone to bring me down, tell me what to do, or tear me down when all I wanted was to feel loved. Everyone wants to feel wanted and everyone just wants to be loved. Growing up in this generation it is easy for girls to mistake feelings for love. It is easy for us girls to want what everyone else has and that means settling for less than we deserve.
Thank you for making me realize what I truly deserve and making it easy to wait until I get that. Thank you for helping me find my own confidence and my own happiness. Thank you for treating me like crap, from this I have learned to never settle for anything less than I deserve. Thank you for leaving me at my worst so I could get to my best, without your help. Thank you for helping me realize that I can never be happy with someone else until I am happy by myself. Thank you for this journey. Thank you for the constant ups and downs and allowing me to get stronger after every time I have been let down.
Thank you for hurting me and allowing me to live life to the fullest. Thank you for everything. Without you, I would not be where I am today. You have left me broken and hurt but despite what it sounds like, it was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. You didn't break me completely, instead I have grown into someone I can be proud of. Thank you for ensuring me that I deserve the world. So thank you. Thank you for everything because from that I have learned so much. I have learned how to be myself and never settle for anything less than I deserve. I have become the best version of myself, someone you are not able to hurt anymore. The hurt you've caused me has turned about to be one of the best things for me.
Good can come from bad things, it just takes a while to realize.
So to all the boys who have hurt me, thank you, from the bottom of my heart.