Dear boy who decided I wasn't good enough,
Thank you.
I know, you're wondering as to why I'm thanking you. But for a long time, I had no idea what to say to you and now the only words I can muster up are, thank you. Thank you for breaking my heart because now I know I deserve better than you. Thank you for leaving me, allowing me to build myself up stronger than ever before.
You took my happiness away from me, I was young and stupid and I thought that I had to find my happiness through you, but when you left, you took my whole being with you and I was just left with the little bits and pieces. You turned me into the person I never wanted to be. When you took my happiness with you, I hated myself. I started to believe I wasn't good enough for anybody. I was uncomfortable in my own skin and I truly thought I was never going to be happy again.
But there comes a time when you have to stop throwing yourself a pity party and pick all of the pieces back up and realize that you ARE good enough. I was always good enough, and I'm sorry that you failed to realize that.
I'm really not sure when you decided that I wasn't good enough for you. Was it when I spent a lot of time doing your homework when I should have been working on mine? How about all those times I spent comforting you? Or was it when you decided that you were in love with another girl?
You didn't deserve me, it was obvious when you chose your recreational activities and other girls over me all the time. You were selfish and we both knew you weren't ready for a real relationship.
Although, you did teach me a lot about relationships, I am a million times happier without you, because my mom was right. You were never a real boyfriend. Boyfriends want to see their girlfriends and always spend time with them. I deserved to be shown off. I deserved to be desired by you and I deserved to be loved.
I guess you could say I'm thankful for the time we spent together because you showed me that every rose has its thorns and not everyone means what they say.
I want you to know that I found someone who believes I'm good enough, and he makes me happier than you ever did.
At the time, I couldn't quite understand why I wasn't good enough for you, and she was. Looking back, I'm happy you chose her.
I am being completely genuine when I say that I truly hope you find what you deserve and that the next girl makes you happier than I ever could. I hope you can use our relationship as a guide and learn from our mistakes as a couple, and treat your next girlfriend the way she deserves to be treated.
I know now that I am worth more than I ever used to be. Now I understand that happiness comes from within and I was beautiful before you told me I was, and I knew I loved myself before I ever needed you to say it to me.
The Girl who was always good enough.