Thank you.
I thank you all for everything you do. I thank you for being there whenever I have needed you. I thank you for making me laugh to the point of crying. I thank you for stopping my sad tears with laughter.
I thank you for showing me that beauty does exist in this world and it is in each and every one of you (though each of you has told time and time again that you do not think so). I thank you for showing me that there is happiness and kindness, even when it does not always come your way.
I thank you for saving me from different things, whether it be the fear of being alone or the fear of suddenly being transported to a fictional universe. I thank you for putting up with my dorkiness and my weirdness, because let’s be honest, who else would.
I thank you for showing me that even in the roughest times you are there for me. I thank you for letting me be there in your roughest times as well. I thank you for letting us experience the rough waves that come with friendship and thank you for loving me and letting me love you anyway.
I thank you for coming into my life exactly when I need it. Each and every one of you has been unexpected and yet I knew that I would need you in unexpected ways. Whether it be to deal with bullies, to bring happiness, or just simply to get through school. And I thank you for letting me come into each of your lives and letting me try to bring something to each of you.
I thank you for letting me experience your light and love each day and I hope that I have shown you that I love you so much and that I have been so blessed to have you all my life. This letter goes to not just one, but all of you. This is a thank you letter to the girls and boys who have become not just my friends, but a part of my family.
I love you guys.