My hair is both my enemy and my ally. I can walk out of the house with my hair "on point" and just have an amazing day based simply off of that notion. However, this is a two-way street as most notions so often are. My hair is more than stubborn because it is thick, long, I have a lot of it, and it refuses to cooperate on a daily basis.
Dear Hair,
I know that you hate the weather; you always do. People often say, "This humidity is killing my hair!" but is it really? Is it that hard for those wispy ends of yours to not stick straight out in every direction? I could have sworn I stuck my whole arm in an electric socket the way you frizz up. But do you just hate this weather? Is this the only hateful weather that causes you grief? Of course not; that would just be too easy. You don't like it when we have dry and sunny weather either. The sun and heat make your poor scalp dry out, so what could you do but produce more and more oil in a desperate attempt at moisture?
I know that all the endless conditioners and products I attempt to help with do nothing, but I am trying my best to help you out. The cold I know does nothing for your happiness either as it makes you feel brittle and flat. I am sorry for all the torturous heat that I feel obligated to apply to you, and all the damage that I cause. However, I think that if you just cooperated a little more with the weather, the need would lessen. Then maybe, you would not be so set on leaving me because I am sick of shedding like a dog. Why can't you just stay on my head? You were obviously put there for a reason. I am convinced that if your strands keep coming out by the handfuls when I comb you that I will go bald, and we both do not want that.
But now that I have complained to my heart's content, I would also like to thank you. Thank you for all those times you air dried into a masterpiece for no good reason. Thank you for some of those perfectly crafted messy buns that you let precariously hold you all day long. Thank you for the beautiful braids that turn you into a curly gorgeous mess later in the day, and thank you for choosing to hold those curls for hours on end. At the end of the day, you are a pain. You are needy and require my constant attention every day. But, there are those few good days when you are, as I said, "on point," and with hair like that, a girl can rock anything.