I was you. I am still you at times. I know the days when you look in the mirror and become so disappointed with what you see. I know the days that you stand on the scale and want to toss it out of the window. Having your head filled with magazine covers, models, and societal norms can alter your brain to question your own self-worth. To question why God, who in your eyes is perfect, would create a person in his image with so many flaws. You begin to question every aspect of your body and over analyze the details that make you unique. Earth is overflowing with diversity, yet the human mind allows us to compare our image to others.
I am here to tell you that it is okay. It is okay to compare yourself to someone. It's okay to not be completely happy with what you see in the mirror. But what is not okay is to let that insecurity consume your life. It is not okay to allow all of the negatives in your life to drown out the sun from your eyes. You are you, and you need to love you.
No, I'm not saying that every day you need to feel on top of the world. I am saying that loving your own skin will make you feel a lot happier. You may not have airbrushed skin, be as thin or big as you'd like or have professional athlete muscles, but you do obtain some qualities that make you important. Embrace those qualities, and embrace yourself. Slowly learn how to think positively about your body, as well as everyone else's bodies around you. Empower your own self-image but don't forget to also empower others around you. You will never be able to lift yourself up if you are continuously putting others down.
It is most common that people who find the flaws in other people are the ones who have the biggest insecurities in themselves. Never allow their words to hurt you. These people do not know your life or your struggle, so never allow their opinions to get under your skin. You are beautifully and courageously made so never be afraid to show it. I know that others words can drown your joy and that the opinions of others can scar your soul, but please try to overcome these battles because I promise you that you will come out on top.
Work your hardest to be the best you that you want to be, and I promise you that that will always be enough. Learn to love yourself first, and you'll begin to see that there is a huge world around you that loves and appreciates you too. Your feelings of your self-worth are a game that your mind plays, and I always want you to come out of that game on top and confident. Even when you feel like you are at your lowest of lows, I want you to know that you will always have someone cheering for you. Each and every one of us is created in the image of God and that is more beautiful than what any magazine cover can portray.