College is a time of self discovery and independence. This also means attempting to be a functional adult for the first time. For me, one of the biggest challenges was budgeting on my own. I can't say I have been completely successful so far. But as I like to say, bounced checks build character. Whether it be a paycheck that was larger than I was expecting, or a rough week with school, I have an easy time justifing buying things. I keep telling myself to make a change but it hasn't happened yet, so here is my last resort. I have come to the internet to expose myself in the hopes of being shamed into spending less. Here's a look at my week.
It's the end of the month, so rent is due. There goes a few hundred dollars. But there's nothing I can do about it. It's totally fine and I definitely am not crying.
It's also the Monday we get back from spring break. Suddenly forced to get up before 11 a.m., due to some departmental politics that left me with a mandatory 8 a.m. class, I cannot be certain if I am alive or in some sort of trance. If I don't get caffeine and a full day's worth of sugar into my body, I certainly will perish. Did not even feel guilty buying myself that latte.
One of my friends later informs me that aerie is having, like, a really good sale. I check it out and it is indeed, like, a really good sale. I probably could live without it, but by spending $32, I would be saving $64, and that's just not something I feel completely comfortable letting pass me by. Maybe one day I'll learn.
Chem lab at 8 a.m. I can't do it. Why in the world am I doing this major and how did this schedule happen? I barely make it to lab in time, skipping breakfast. After 4 hours pass, I fail to get the product I want and I smell like some odd and hopefully not dangerous combination of chemicals, so I justify buying a bagel and chai at Yali's. Why did they have to put the cafe right next to the chem plaza? What a smart business idea really, they must know I am willing to drop the most dollars on fancy lattes when I'm crying about chemistry. Goodbye, $7.
I get home and discover that I am out of toothpaste. Like the responsible adult that I unfortunately have been told I must become, I drag myself to CVS. Walk in, get the cheap toothpaste, get out, I tell myself. That's it. Somehow I end up with $40 of drugstore cosmetics. And a lipstick color that is really not my shade. CVS:1 Me:0
I realize that I have run out of the trail mix that has been my sole source of sustenance through the week so far. In a bad mood, I walk to Trader Joe's. In Trader Joe's suddenly in a good mood, the world is OK and bananas are $0.19 a pound. Then I leave Trader Joe's, realizing I spent $40 on exclusively snack foods, bad mood is back.
Bio Lab is cancelled today so I don't have class until 12:30. I do, however, have a midterm at 8pm that I do not feel prepared for. I decide to wake up early anyway and go to a cafe to study for said midterm. Another $5 on a six syllable coffee beverage. I can't keep letting myself get played like this.
Later, in the library studying with my roommate at last minute for our midterm. She won't stop talking about how much she wants mango with sweet rice ever since she saw it on Zendaya's snapchat story. Like the good friend I am, I propose we go get Thai food, because we also must fuel up before the midterm. There goes $10.
Midterm finally over, but ended up staying up til 2am the previous night catching up on homework and preparing for the next wave of midterms, which begins in approximately 72 hours. Still have that 8am class. At this point in the week my spending habits are stressing me out, but I have also reintroduced the caffeine addiction back into my body. Spend $1 on weak coffee. I'm not enjoying this but that's probably the point.
Luckily, by the time I get back home I am so tired that I nap for 3 hours. I can't spend money if I'm sleeping. Take that, corporate America.
Spending money does't count on Saturdays, right?
It's the first Sunday of the month, which means there is a pug gathering in SF. Yes, this is a real thing. If you know me, this is also a big deal. Spend $8 on a round trip Bart ticket to go see some pugs run around. Worth it.
Neglect to realize how starving I would be at lunchtime. Spend $8 on Chinese food. It was good but hard to enjoy because I am disappointed in myself. Everything tastes like disappointment.
Get back home and lock myself in my room to study for midterms and to stop myself from spending. Silently curse "Parks and Recreation" for making it so easy for me to justify spending money on myself. Vow to make a change.