Dear Dad,
Since that's what I’ve been calling you since I was 3, it felt weird putting the term "stepfather" in this title, but that's what you are. You’re my father. Maybe not by blood, but you are, in fact, my dad. You were there from the beginning.
You taught how to ride my bike, tie my shoes and zip my coat. You taught me how to stand up for myself against bullies, to hate my food touching and you taught me to love music. If it weren’t for you I wouldn’t the wonderful, sarcastic, talented badass that I am today. So for that, I thank you. You helped raise me, helped me with my homework and are now helping me go through college.
I love you.
I’m not just saying that because I want money for once, no, I’m saying that because it’s true. While writing this, it's hard not to get teary eyed because I don’t know what I would do without you. You’ve taught me how to drive, mended my broken heart when boys couldn’t figure out how to be men and you taught how to love everything I do with a fiery passion that will help me succeed in life. They say that a girl will one day find a man that embodies her father, and one day, I do truly hope I find a man like you. One that is caring, kind and respectful. One that will put their heart in everything they do, is passionate about everything they do and can even handle me at my worst. Lord knows we’re not morning people. But with that being said, we’re pretty funny people. I have you to thank for my humor and spunky personality. I have you to thank for my outstanding music taste and writing abilities.
In general, I suppose I just need to say thank you. This letter has been rambling on and I’m kind of jumping all over the place, but I think that’s just because I have so much to say. I’m at school now, I moved out of the house except for summer break and we don’t get to talk as often as we used to. But at the end of the day, know I think about you all the time, I brag about you all the time and I’m very thankful for all that you’ve done to me.
I’ve been calling you Dad since I was 3 because, well, that’s truly what you are. A father figure, a role model and most importantly, my best friend. We don’t agree on everything, we argue and I’ve been grounded. Ha, thank God for being an “adult” now. But you taught me to fight what I believe in, to be a leader and how to piss off Mom. There’s no other man I would have had her marry. There’s no other man I would have rather raised me.
I love you, Dad.
Your daughter