Dear Starbucks,
We've been going strong now for about three years. I have never wavered and will continue to remain faithful for many years to come. You always lift my spirits and provide me with energy, even on my worst days. I can count on you in the wee hours of a Monday morning and the latest nights before an exam. You get me.
Your ever-changing variety of flavors always keeps our relationship intriguing but I am truly in awe during the fall. Pumpkin spice, salted caramel, chile mocha, and the list goes on. Cold or hot, you always satisfy my needs. But you provide so much more for me than just quenching my thirst. Between cake pops, chocolate chip cookies, and lemon bread, I can always count on you to pair my drink with one of your ever sweet treats.
So babe, Starbucks, thank you. Thank you for motivating me, keeping my optimism alive, and my belly satisfied. I truly could not make it through 8 AM Calculus or procrastinated homework without you. Sometimes I don't acknowledge all of the things you do for me (except that one night I drank a double shot at 10 pm and I literally couldn't fall asleep) so this is for you. Keep doing you and I will forever be your number 1 fan.
Yours truly, A Starbuck's Addict