I really have no idea why you freak me out so much. Every time I see you my heart starts racing so rapidly it's like a gun is being pointed at me. Usually it comes with me either screaming my roommates name so loud she thinks I'm being murdered or having a scream so deafening that my neighbors think I walked in on a dead body. As soon as you you disappear, in my head you grow ten times your actual size disappear...
1. I can't sleep for the next three nights.
2. Every hair that moves on my body, I think is you crawling on me.
3. I have dreams about you, your siblings, parents, children, aunts, uncles, and cousins crawling all over me trying to kill me.
4. Some how once (so when I do find you, Im never satisfied cause Im convinced there is a bigger one out there).
Overall, I don't really understand why you have to disappear like that! I rather you just stay in one spot. Where I can see you all the time. Its not like I'm going to kill you because first of all, I am also scared to do that. Especially if you are on the wall or ceiling, what if i miss or you don't die and you just attack me (which you should since I just tried to end your life). If you are on the floor, personally I don't want your dead body on the bottom of my shoe nor do I want to wash you off my shoe. The only time you should disappear like that is if I call over one of my guy friends to kill you. Then you have every right to go hide where ever you do. I wont blame you.
I am sorry I am so scared of you. Especially with the amount of creepy other bugs in my room that you trap in your web and kill. Thats pretty chill of you to do. You are probably just as scared of me as I am of you. As disturbing as I think it is that you have eight legs and eight eyes, you probably think it's just as weird that I have two legs and two eyes. Plus, Im a giant to you. Every time i move its probably like an earthquake. It stinks we can't have a good relationship just cause we look different. You can hang out in my house, if you kill the other bugs and don't crawl on me and I wont kill you.
The girl that is afraid to blink when she sees you.