Sorority Sister here! Your one and only source into the fantastic lives of your University panhellenic chapters. Who am I? That's a secret I'll never tell...
I'm just kidding, we all know my name is at the bottom of the screen. Here's to the sorority sisters who we love so dearly, and who we would all count as the Blair to our Serena (or vice versa).
Dear Sweet Sisters,
Thank you for making our sorority feel like home from day one. They say a home is not a place, but the people in it. You all truly are the definition of that quote.
Thank you for putting a smile on my face when I’m not having the best day. Thank you for all the random hugs and sweet smiles. Thank you for giving everyone a spot, and thank you for recognizing that everyone is unique. Thank you for being so supportive of everything that I do. Thank you for celebrating me when I achieve even the smallest things and thank you for dropping whatever you’re doing to comfort me when I fail.
Thank you for inspiring me each day to be a better person and a better sister. Thank you for challenging the stereotypes, and for standing up for everyone in not just our chapter, but every Panhellenic chapter. Thank you for loving me when I’m in a grumpy mood, for crying with me when I’m upset, and for laughing with me when I do something extremely embarrassing.
Thank you for staying up to watch movies with me, even ones that you wouldn’t consider your ‘genre.’ Thank you for giving me rides when I don’t have a car and thank you for offering to walk me home when it’s late at night. Thank you for critiquing the text I sent to my crush that asked him to the next date event, and thank you for telling me I can do better when I find out that he’s not interested in being more than friends.
Thank you for complaining about the rain one second, and then dancing in it with me the next. Thank you for the car rides with the windows down, screaming Hannah Montana songs out the window. Thank you for turning anyone’s day upside down, for the random Starbucks runs late at night, and for the study breaks that turn out to be longer than actual studying. Thank you for the high fives after getting a great grade on a test, and the ice cream runs for when I don’t do as well.
Thank you for looking out for me. Thank you for all of the advice, and all of the ‘it’s going to be okay’s'. Thank you for listening to me when I need to talk, and for telling me to hush when I’m stressed. Thank you for letting me borrow your favorite shorts, and for forgiving me when I give them back a year later.
Thank you for telling me how capable I am of anything I dream of doing. Thank you for caring. Thank you for being kind. Thank you for being supportive. Thank you for loving me.
Thank you for being you.
You know I love you...
A grateful sister