Dear Big,
In the past year you have taught me more about myself than I could have ever found out on my own. You have inspired and encouraged me to try new things and see what I am good at. Coming to college, it's really intimidating to try and pursue leadership positions, and you have always pushed me to reach out of my comfort zone. You always make me feel confident in times where I lack confidence. I love that about you.
This week, I get my little, and I hope that I can be even half as great of a big to her as you are to me. I want you to know that you are still my person. You always will be. Of course, my little will be an important person in my life as well, but you will always be my role model. You will always be my go-to when I have a problem I just cannot seem to solve. I hope my little knows how blessed she is when it comes to her grandbig. You have accomplished so much at just 20 years old, and I hope she realizes how amazing you truly are. I also hope that she comes to you for advice just as much as she comes to me, if not more.
I also hope that my little looks up to your big and grandbig. I am so grateful for you bringing me into the best sorority family. I might not be as close with them as I am you, but I know that they will always be there for me when you are not. I think the world of our family and treat their successes as if they were my own. Maybe, one day you and I can get our lives together and have big girl jobs like they do.
Thank you for loving me even though I am very blunt and complain more than necessary. Thank you for loving me even though I told you I did not choose you on big/little reveal. That was completely rude and I am surprised that you still wanted to hang out with me and get to know me. I am so glad we can laugh about it now, because it's just proof that I do not know what was best for me. I always need a little guidance from my Big, don’t I? You're such a good role model to me, and I have no idea where I would be without you.
Thank you for driving me everywhere all the time. I know it has to be annoying, but some of our trips are when we bonded the most. I can only hope that my little looks up to me as much as I look up to you, Big.
I am sorry for laughing at you every time you cry. I know that I am not the best with feelings, but that's no excuse for laughing at you when you cry. Thank you for not laughing at me when I cry, even though you completely deserve to. Thank you for being calm and telling me everything will be okay when I do cry, because that is all I need.
I cannot imagine having anyone else as my big. I don't know what it is like to have a biological big sister, but I imagine our relationship is as close as it gets. Without all the fighting.