Dear Social Media,
I love to hate you and hate to love you. I love your constant stream of adorable puppies, heartwarming videos, and posts from my friends. I love how you're there anytime I need you, and I can access you from multiple devices. I love the fact that every time I look at you I see something new. I also love how you connect me to people and how you give me inspiration everyday. I love all of your many facets, and how they all have a different purpose. Facebook is great for keeping in touch with people who are far away, Instagram is great for freezing moments in life and sharing them, Twitter is great for sharing quick, random thoughts, and Tumblr is great for expressing oneself and thinking deeply.
I love how I can bounce from app to app and always be entertained. But on the other hand, I hate you. I hate your constant stream of things that don't matter, articles that are not true and posts from people who rant about things they don't understand. I hate how you're there anytime I need you, and I can access you from multiple devices. I hate the fact that every time I look at you, there is something new that I soak in as truth. I hate how you constantly overwhelm me by connecting me with people from all over the world and I hate how you inspire me to be like them. I hate you for inspiring me to look at these people and making me question myself. Making me wonder; Why am I not more attractive? Why do I not have more money? Why can't I live a life like them?
I hate all of your many facets, giving me endless reasons to stay on my phone and ignore the outside world. Making me wonder; What's out in the world that's not already in my phone? Why travel when I can follow an Instagram account that will show me the same thing? I hate you for limiting my creativity and forcing me to limit my ideas to 140 characters for instant gratification. I hate how much I care about likes and "retweets." I hate my attachment to you and the feeling of separation anxiety when I'm not with you. I love to hate you and hate to love you