Here’s an open letter to the girl whose whole life is changing. I understand the emotions you are feeling right now, and yes, I understand those feelings are overwhelming.
Perhaps you are feeling afraid, and lonely and just a little bit excited at the same time, but let’s analyze this. You're from a small hometown where you knew everyone and everyone knew you, including your entire family. Yes, even your great aunt Edith.
Each and every person within a 10-mile radius knew everything about you and your family. I know it's still hard to think about, but they will always be there. So, you're afraid, it’s going to happen, but you're doing what your family needs you to do. You’re going to college, for Pete's sake. They were happy when you learned how to do your own laundry, and just the concept of you going to college makes them more prouder than you will ever know, It’s a parent thing.
What you are doing is right for you. Your family knows this and they know you can do it, you just need to believe in yourself.
You're lonely, that's totally understandable. But just know that your friends back at home would want this. They would want you to live life to the fullest. Taking opportunities and having great stories to tell when your Skyping them later this week, is what they want for you. So, it's okay! Go out and meet new people you’re not the only one who likes to watch romantic-comedies and eat Chinese food.
Find the people who share your interests. Then, when you become best friends, bring them home to meet your other best friends who are also *dying* to meet them.
Actually, this is the part probably the most important part of this letter.
I know that you are excited, and believe me, you should be! So many people your age would absolutely die for this experience, and those you know back home? They're pining over the fact that YOU are in a big city getting things done,
Opportunities like this one don't just come up where you're from. Please know that you are a determined, powerful person whose life is falling into place, perfectly. So, yes. The other emotions will come and go, but don't worry. These emotions won't stick.
This feeling that you are feeling right now, yes, excitement and empowerment, this is what is going to help that small town girl turn into the girl people should have never doubted.