Everyone who has sisters, whether they are older or younger, understands the struggles that come from being related to them, opposite or same gender. Whether it's because you share a bathroom and have to sift through the tons of hair and makeup products each morning in order to brush your teeth, have to listen to one (or both) of them rant on the phone about a guy that is playing games with their heart, or whether they just decide to push your buttons and act seemingly like all sisters do.
No matter the issue, everyone who has a female sibling understands the struggle of being related to them. However, I've recently come to he conclusion that having sisters (in my case, younger) is an advantage for both genders, and I would love to explain why.
First of all, your sisters keep you educated on the trends of females. This is more for the men who happen to have sisters, but it's definitely true. I know that there is a stereotype out there that all females are complete enigmas and that it is impossible for any male to understand their insane desires, quirks, insecurities, and the like. Speaking from a kid who has grown up with two younger sisters, I can absolutely attest to the fact that being related to the opposite sex makes this process 100x easier.
Whether you want to our not, you are going to hear about the latest on shows like "Keeping Up With The Kardashians," "Say Yes to the Dress," or "The Bachelor" (which is actually an extremely entertaining show. I just started watching it a week ago and it is INCREDIBLE.) You are inevitably going to hear about Taylor Swift's drama or the new Beyoncé tour that will be happening in the following year. You're going to hear about all the celebrity gossip that you thought you didn't care about, but when the girl you are crushing on in your calculus class decides to say something about it to her friend, you're going to be able to create a conversation out of it. Yes that sounds like a terrible icebreaker, but I promise, being able to understand and speak girl is a lot more useful than you would think, so thank you for that skill, sisters.
Adding to that, you'll be able to understand the subtleties of a females vocabulary. I know there are jokes going around twitter about the actually definitions of what your girlfriend means when she says things like "Fine" or "Do what you want" and some may take them as just that, but there is actual merit behind these types of posts. Like if you are in a fight with your girlfriend and she tells you to "Do what you want," DO NOT DO WHAT YOU WANT! It's a trap, she is waiting for you to make a mistake so she can jump all over you and make you regret ever disagreeing with her in the first place.
Sisters get you to understand that over many years of repetition. The other side of this is that you'll be taught how to "make up" with them. It isn't easy to comeback from hurting a females feelings. Luckily, if you're related to one, they kind of need to forgive you, unless you REALLY messed up. Usually, however, you'll be forgiven and you'll learn how to make up for being an idiot.
You'll learn how to take a joke from your friends. Ladies, going into college can be stressful if you have never had to share a living space with anyone for your entire life, but if you grew up with a sister, well you're more than prepared. You know that girls can be just as messy as guys. You guys hate to wear clothes and would love to stay in bed all day with food and your laptop. You'll understand how to take care of your roommate(s) when one or both of them come down with a cold, or even if they are just having a bad day. You'll learn how to laugh rude comments off, and to make some of your own, all while still maintaining that loving relationship. Sisters truly are invaluable.
Another really great thing that I have come to appreciate from my eighteen years living with my sisters is that you get a sense of what it is like to live with the opposite sex. Along with this comes eating habits, sleeping habits, hygiene habits, and the like. Being able to understand that females enjoy having multiple scented body washes in the shower will undoubtedly be a useful piece of information when I am shopping for my girlfriend. Seeing the types of perfumes they enjoy, all the tools they use to create strange shapes out of their hair, and the types of equipment that go into painting nails and receiving manicures are all extremely useful things to know. Not for yourself necessarily, but for when you have to eventually live on your own with your wife or girlfriend, you'll be thanking your sisters for sure.
You get to see exactly what girls enjoy. Obviously different genders enjoy different things. You won't win many hearts taking a girl on a first date to a wrestling match (I'm sure there are some ladies out there who enjoy wrestling, but trust me, a majority do not.) You'll understand that females like to go to the beach, they don't like to be pressured too much on first dates, and they really like to get to know the guy that they're hanging out with. All this knowledge you can glean, over many years, from your sisters.
This is your chance to show your sisters some appreciation. They deserve it. We aren't the easiest to live with. Men, with our terribly sloppy rooms and borderline caveman hygiene habits, and Women, with the annoying way they learn from their siblings. The way men fart without a regard for who or what is in our presence, and laugh about it when they find it disgusting. We might not show them much appreciation, but your sisters will be there when you're hurting after a bad breakup, when you've suffered the loss of a family member, or when you just got let go from your job. Your sisters are family, and while they might not be the easiest to get along with at times, they are some of the most important people in your life. Your sisters care about you, show them how much you care back.
Thank you, sisters.
I hope you see just how much you've done for me.