You don't know me, not yet. You don't know my story, or why I joined this specific sisterhood but you will and I'll know you too.
When we first meet, we will just be two smiling people. Me, trying to find my new sister, and you, trying to find your new sisterhood. I'll welcome you into my home hoping that it becomes yours as well, and I'll introduce you to my sisters that you will love as much as I do.
See, we might not know it now, but you will end up becoming my sister. You will become apart of my forever family and of a group of such stunning women. They will love you so much that you'll never feel lonely because you have sisters who will make sure of it. When you're looking for your classes or nervous for your first day, we will be there to talk you through it, make sure you're confident and to make sure you know you won't sit alone while having lunch.
By joining this sisterhood, just know that you have signed up for lifetime of shenanigans. From late night Sonic runs to listening to me talking all night (because you'll figure out I'm annoying like that). You'll hug me when I cry on the anniversary of my dad's death and laugh with me when I want to laugh.
You'll be the most important person to us and we to you. When your struggling in calc, we've got you. When your having a bad day, we will be there too. When you get your first college boyfriend, we will be there to make sure he's good enough for you and that he minds his manners, and if he happens to break your heart, we will be there to put you back together again.
The point is, you will always have us. Rain or shine, good or bad day, we will stand beside you. We will protect you, support you, love you, be your voice of reason and be your family. I can't honestly explain how excited we are to have you, to share our purpose with you, our charity and our lives. You'll gain a six pack from laughing so much, confidence from us telling you how much you are worth and your value to this word and others. We will always accept who you are and never try to change you.
As you go through recruitment, I hope you remember these words. Know that at the end of the long days and sore feet that you will have a league of best friends, bridesmaids, motivators, sisters and a family of 100 plus girls who have got your back forever.
I look forward to meeting you, getting to know you and crying and laughing with you through all the times. I look forward to summer trips or watching OITNB (when the new season comes out of course). It will be the best memories of our lives that will never ever end, a bond so strong it'll never break and a sisterhood so great, you'll always feel loved.
See you soon.
Your Sister