Dear Little Sister,
When mom and dad first brought you home, my four year old heart was broken because I was no longer the center of their universe. Little did I know, you would quickly become the center of mine. Over the years, I’ve watched you grow into a stunning young woman with a generous heart and a brilliant mind. Each day I look at you and am reminded of the kind of person that I want to be.
For the past 16 (almost 17) years, you have held me close as I’ve cried in my darkest moments and you’ve pushed me to soar past my inhibitions, towards my goals.You have been my best friend especially during the moments when others were quick to leave and you’ve reminded me of all the good in my life when my eyes were blinded by the bad. But above all, you’ve given me someone to call a best friend- a person who will love and be there for me no matter what.
As you approach your last year of high school and begin the sprint towards college, I wanted to leave you with something small in return for everything you’ve given me.
- You are beautiful. Never allow anyone to make you feel otherwise. Your beauty transcends what is on the outside and runs deep within you. It is in your caring heart, inspiring actions and selfless ways. This is who you are- a girl with a pure and gentle heart. Never forget how valuable a good heart is.
- The way to change the world is by performing one act of kindness at a time. Your volunteer work has far exceeded the requirements of a college resume. Your motivation to help not only those at school, but those at the children’s hospital has made me beyond proud of you. You’ve given those you’ve crossed paths with a warm smile, a person who will listen attentively, and most importantly, you’ve been a friend. Don’t lose sight of the fact that even the simplest gestures have the potential to turn someone’s day or even life around. As Ellen Degeneres once said, “We all want to love and be loved.”
- It’s okay if being yourself makes you feel like you’re on the outside. Remember that no one remarkable ever fit into a mold. You were born to stand out, not to blend in.
- School is challenging, but it can be fun too. It’s okay to put your work aside every once in awhile and simply enjoy the moment. It’s easy to get overwhelmed with daily stresses, but one day you will look back and realize that you were experiencing some of the best times of your life, whether you see it that way now or not.
- Failing beats not trying 100% of the time. Never let your fears stop you from climbing over mountains to reach your dreams. You are so much stronger than you think and I know that you have the potential to shake the world. Soak up everything that college will offer you. Join every club that captures your interest and expose yourself to people with backgrounds vastly different than your own.
- People can be mean and there will be times when others disappoint you-but there will also be times when people amaze you. Look for friends in those with kind hearts and genuine souls. I promise they are out there even if it doesn’t always feel that way. Find friends with similar passions, but also welcome those who will challenge and push you to experience parts of the world that you would have otherwise missed.
- Even if it’s right for someone else, it may not be right for you.I know that you know this, but I always want you to remember it. Don’t be afraid to zig when everyone else zags!
- No matter what happens, you will always have a best friend in me. Life is full of unexpected twists and turns, but I will be there to make sure you never have to experience them alone. I will be your shoulder to cry on and will encourage you to be strong when you need to be. I am by your side and love you now and always.
Love forever,
Your Big Sister