Dear Significant Other's family,
I'm sure you have read other letters like this one. But this isn't like the others because I am writing it just for you...even if others can relate. It's strange to think that in a few short years, you won't just be his family, but mine as well.
I want to thank his siblings for teaching him that it's possible to love someone who constantly picks on you (I pick on him a lot, too). You guys have also shown him what having kids is kind of like, and I feel like him being an uncle and an older brother will help mold into him being a great father in the future.
I want to thank his older brother for showing him that a trouble-maker can do a complete change and be a great father. You have also shown him that it's never too late to chase after your dreams.
I want to thank his older sister for showing him that fun never has to end. You can totally be a mature and loving parent but still have fun. You also give us Target gift cards, and those have definitely been lifesavers.
I want to thank his younger sister for teaching him how to control his anger. You were probably the number one most annoying person to him growing up, but he knows how to argue now, thanks to you, instead of just throwing a tantrum. I also want to thank you for being a great friend to me through all of this, and setting us up. Without you, we probably wouldn't be together.
I want to thank his father for showing him how to work hard to achieve his dreams. You are his hero. You have shown him how to persevere through the roughest moments in life, yet never give up because there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. You have shown him how to be kind, yet it's still okay to be a smart-ass. He has probably learned more from you than anyone else. And thank for still helping him out when he calls asking what to do with the warm fridge or the painted-over windows, which he does when I'm not home.
I want to thank his mother for showing him that a woman's advice is usually right, even if he didn't listen to it the first time around (don't worry, he still does it to me, too). Thank you for cooking amazing food for him. I try to take this as a challenge to step up my cooking game. Thank you for listening to him complain so I don't have to be the only one to hear it. Thank you for being a worry-wart because now he keeps me updated when he leaves and makes it home...without me asking him to.
Thank you all so much for helping to shape this man that I love. He has been there for me since day one, and I couldn't be happier. I can't wait to officially be a part of your family soon.
Your Son's Significant Other