Shelli, when I saw your introductions I thought I would like you. You seemed like the nice Southern girl. A little boy crazy, but we get it, you’re used to the attention. Anyway, you and Clay seemed like the perfect match. You’re both attractive, looking for a showmance, and apparently completely his type. It's almost like your introductions were planned.
So the show begins, you’re bubbly and outgoing; you even start an alliance with the other girls that are already in the house on night one. We obviously know that’s going to work out. But, you already have your heart set on Clay. And according to his diary room session, he already has a thing for older women. It’s like a match made in heaven, or just good casting.
So the game continues on and you pair up with Clay. Every week it seems, somehow, you guys are running the show. You either had something to do with the nominations or you hatched a backdoor plan. These are all considered great game moves. Even though Jason was my favorite player... You are obviously smart. You can scheme and strategize with the best of them. You’ve done a great job at manipulating almost everyone in the house at one point or another.
I just have one question for you. ARE YOU DELUSIONAL? I get that you’re playing a game and lying is a part of it, a huge part of it, but do you really believe all the bullsh*t that comes out of your mouth? I want to believe that you’re not crazy, and that you’re playing the game. But, it’s beginning to look like you are believing your own lies.
I don’t have a problem with lying in this game. Do whatever you need to do to get to that $500k. But diary room is the one place that no one but the producers and America see. Why lie to us? We watch the show 3 times a week, and many of us pay for live feeds. Do you think we don’t know what you do? You realize you have cameras on you 24/7, right? Just admit that you’re a manipulator. Own your crazy girl, we won’t fault you.
We will fault you for walking around and telling everyone, including your biggest ally Clay, that you have been nothing but truthful in this game. You cry when you get put on the block for something YOU did. Don’t dish it out if you can’t take it. You have schemed to get all of these people out; it was bound to catch up with you eventually. Own it. Be proud of the lying you were able to do to get some strong players out. Don’t walk around lying to yourself and everyone else that you are targeted for things you didn’t do, because that’s just crazy.
OH, and if this wasn’t enough. You sat with Clay this week alone and talked about lying in the game. You said you could never play a deceitful game and that you’re playing an honest game with no backstabbing. I’m pretty sure up until Clay’s eviction you had a hand in getting everyone evicted. And just last week you lied about not knowing Jason was going on the block; when it was completely yours and Clay’s idea. So again, are you delusional?
I'm not sure if it's because you remind me of a certain girl in high school or just because you are downright annoying on the show, but I cannot wait until you are gone. And I definitely don’t feel bad that you have to spend the summer in the jury house without you’re beloved boytoy Clay. Let’s face it: What does an ex-football player and current graduate student who looks like him want to do with a puma that’s 10 years older than him? I mean come on, it took you 6 weeks to kiss the poor boy after you’ve been cuddled up with him in bed the entire season.
At least you were a Zeta in college, because that’s your one redeeming quality.