Dear You,
I know you think he loves you. And you know, he might. But let me ask you something: how often are you fighting for his attention? How many minutes do you spend waiting for the text back? Or the call? How many hours? When was the last time he suggested a hangout? When was the last time he called you beautiful?
I know you think she’s your friend. And you know, she might be. But when was the last time she actually listened to your problems? How often does she judge you for your decisions instead of show support and lovingly give advice? Why do you feel like you can never be honest with her without it becoming an argument? When was the last time she took responsibility for something that went wrong?
I know you think that this is the way things are supposed to be. And you know, maybe they should be this way, but only for one reason: to show you how things are not supposed to be. Sometimes you are in a toxic position and you do not even realize because of how engulfed you are. Everything happens for a reason, so yes, at this point, you may be where you need to be and you might be in the relationships that you are supposed to be in. That does not mean that you need to be there forever.
Why are you subjecting yourself to people who make you feel anything less than important? You are no one’s booty call. You are no one’s last resort. You are a human being that deserves love and respect.
What makes those people better than you? Nothing. Nothing you say? Okay, then why are you letting them treat you like they are superior? Sometimes demanding what you deserve is hard and I get that sometimes confrontation is scary, but you will remain in a rut until you open your mouth and stand up for yourself!
There are more people in the world than the ones that you currently associate yourself with. It is so commonly said that you will find the one and you will find people that do not make you feel like a nuisance. Want to hear a secret? Not everyone in the world is bad.
I know that sometimes all hope seems lost and that the world might end and that there is endless negativity, but if you just look around at the sky when the night is approaching, you will be reminded of hope. You will open your eyes and see that a day ending will bring you to a new beginning. People can be beautiful, and maybe the ones hurting you just need some tough love in order for them to treat you right. If you communicating with them does nothing? Drop them like the flies they are.
Please do not settle for anything less than you deserve. Life is too short for you to be miserable and for you to have unimportant people become priorities that consume your thoughts and make you wallow in self-loathing. You are a star and you deserve the people that allow you to shine and praise you for it. Don’t let the love you have for yourself go to waste. Not everyone you lose is a loss, so please stop spending your life’s precious moments waiting on ignorant people to mature.
Ain’t nobody got time for that