How unfortunate is it that our society has accepted the fact that people are just sick with diseases such as alcoholism, or even a pill or drug addiction. Being an addict doesn't make you a terrible, unlikeable person. In fact, in my own experience, these people are bright and loving, have suffered the most heartache and hardships and cannot cope with the hands they've been dealt. Regardless of their baggage, we love them anyway. We love them so much, that we would do absolutely anything to help them.
To the mothers that had to remove a toxic father figure from their families lives: This one's for you.
Thank you for trying so hard to maintain balance and keep our family together. You were doing your best and doing what you felt was right. You wanted our family to get through it together. Whether or not we did was not in your hands.
Thank you for realizing that the person you loved is not that person anymore, and that you needed to move on without them. Walking away is never easy, and is almost never final. But you protected your children from being exposed to a world of roller coaster relapses and for that I applaud you.
Thank you for playing both roles -- being soft and swift as well as firm and disciplinary. Thank you for all the ball catches and for making wings for Sunday football, but also for cleaning up and doing the laundry. How incredible are you to be able to make a great dinner, do household chores, change a tire and put up my shelves? You really are Wonder Woman.
Thank you for a life lesson. As a mother, you are still living your own life. It is important that you know that I recognize that I was jipped of a healthy father figure, but you spent decades of your life trying to guide someone you loved down the right path. It has taught me to be kind and loving, and to do my best for those who are struggling; to give constant support. But it has also taught me that there comes a point in time where you must put your foot down. If only love could cure people.
Thank you for never giving up on me or my dreams. I have no idea how you do it, but you made sure you were at every single important event. Between your job and my siblings, you were at every concert, musical, or awards dinner. You showed how proud you were, and that made my accomplishments feel that much more rewarding.
Thank you for never giving up on yourself. I cannot begin to fathom the levels of stress and fear you had to cope with. You embodied an amount of strength that I did not know existed. I aspire to be as selfless and loving as you are.
Thank you for never having a negative outlook on life. Your constant positivity has taught me to enjoy everything I have. Thank you for saying things like, “It is what it is,” and for always finding the silver lining. You inspire me to fight for what I believe in. You encourage me to be fearless. Who you are has made me who I am, and I am eternally grateful for you.
Your daughter.