They say college is the best four years of your life, I just happened to extend mine to a 5th year. Deciding to stay another year was pretty simple, get more education and live with my friends. Happy to say I’ve done so because it has given me the opportunity to stay, get more education and life with my best friends. Currently I live with two roommates, both attending UC and this is my open letter to them.
Dear Roommates,
I know there may be many times where I might get on your nerves or do stuff that irritates you but I thank you for putting up with me. It takes a lot to see dishes in the sink and me relaxing like “yeah I’ll get to those later”. As many college students know “later” might not be till all the clean dishes are gone. So for your patience on my dish cleaning I thank you…this actually goes for the whole house. Our house is actually pretty clean for college students but my room can be an exception sometimes. For the times it takes me almost 5 hours to do all my laundry, I thank you.
I would like to thank my roommate Erica for teaching more about life then I ever expected. I have been through a lot in my life and often times question “why?” or “why must this happen to me?”. Through many long conversations and explaining of my past to her I’ve learned something amazing. She has told me that God only gives challenges to the people he knows who can handle them. This was one of the most life changing pieces of advice anyone has ever given. It has given me the motivation to make it through some tough times and allowed me to stay in somewhat high spirits.
Lastly I would like to thank my roommates for always being there for me. For the time when we are just eating pizza at Lukins after Saranac, and for when we all just are laying in our beds talking with our doors open. College has been the best five years and I couldn’t be any sadder that at some point it’s going to be over. There will be so many times that no matter if I tried to forget I never could because they were the best days of my life. We have two semesters left so let’s make the most of them while also getting our education.