Your time has come. You're finally leaving the nest and moving on to perhaps the most exciting phase of your life. Freshman year is a learning experience. It's a journey of good and bad, laughter and tears, mistakes and triumphs. Wisdom comes with these experiences, so I present to you my top six lessons learned.
1. Study.
You're at college for a reason. And studying in college is going to be a lot different than studying in high school. Do it in small sessions. Resist the temptation to procrastinate, although you will.
2. Try to set a schedule.
Set up some sort of plan for sleeping, exercising, and eating. Life is a lot easier when it's organized.
3. But live on the edge.
While sleep and school are important, those last-minute road trips are always worth it. The best stories are those that are unplanned.
4. Don't compare yourself to others.
There are always going to be people who are smarter, thinner, funnier, etc. Find confidence in yourself and your strengths.
5. Get to know your professors.
One office visit could be that one extra point you need for an A.
6. Tell your friends you love them.
Friends will be a staple in your life. From failing that test, to your most recent heartbreak, they will hold your hand through it all. Be sure to find your person.
So as you begin this adventure, I wish you luck. Find a way to learn from failures and laugh at mistakes. Here's to your freshman year.