So my daughter is a week away from being 9 months old, which means it has been a little less than nine months since we last spoke. I don't know which upsets me more: the fact that you weren't there for your so called "friend" when you knew she needed her friends the most or the fact that I couldn't see through your fake smile enough to realize just how two-faced you actually were before it was too late.
I truly believe that friendships end when people move on to different stages of their life. So, while I was a little upset that we're no longer friends, I completely understand why we're not. I was entering motherhood, while you found entertainment drunk in a field somewhere. Before I was pregnant, I never believed the saying "if you want to know who your true friends are, have a baby," but now I preach it to anyone and everyone just finding out about their little bundle of joy.
I give you props, though. You did a great job convincing me that I had an awesome friend my daughter could grow up to think of as "auntie," but looking at your life now, I'm thankful that you and your type of people wont be blessed enough to know my daughter. My intentions are to raise my daughter respectfully, and the type of person that you are is NOT the influence I want my daughter growing up to see.
Every now and then, you'll message me, snapchat me, or comment on an Instagram picture of my daughter to remind me how much you miss her, so I usually humor you and tell you that of course we miss you too but when it comes down to it, you can't miss someone that you don't know- you don't know her and she doesn't know you.
I'm grateful for the friends that I do have because they accept the fact that I can't drop everything to go along with their plans, and they understand fully when I'm running late and tell them to ask the waiter for a highchair. They also love my daughter and that's the best feeling. And when I say they love her, I mean they actually care about her and I'm pretty sure you only cared about getting the perfect selfie with her. Oh, and by the way, she's not "good at taking selfies", she's a baby, not a picture prop.
Hope life is treating you well,
Your Ex-Friend