Dear Everyone swimming at a pool this summer,
Those lifeguards you see up in those chairs watching you swim are there to keep you safe. Sure, it may look like we're just sitting there receiving an awesome tan from the sun, (Ok we are. That's just a small part of the job), but we are the reason why the pool stays open, to keep everyone safe.
Life-guarding is not an easy job. Those countless hours we watch everyone swim is followed by countless hours of training. We tread water, practicing CPR, rescues, and more, all to make sure you stay as safe as you can be in a pool. Yes, we judge how you swim, because we don't know if you need help, or if you're just a slow swimmer. No we're not watching every move you make because we have to scan the pool quickly, because anything can happen under a minute.
Those pool rules we have aren't just for you to look at and ignore. They are there for you to follow, so nobody gets hurt. We enforce them even more, which is why we may seem like jerks, but we're only trying to protect you. Parents, we know you aren't watching your kids all the time, and understand it is hard to keep track of them at a pool. Keep an eye on them, because we aren't there to babysit. Don't yell at us if your kid needed to be rescued because he couldn't swim, and jumped off the diving board. Kids, the slides, diving boards, snack bar, and other fun things aren't going anywhere. You don't need to run to beat the line.
Lifeguards are always there to help, and we are prepared for almost anything that can happen at a pool. A day with no rescues is a good day, and we always keep an eye out for those who need help.
So next time you're at a pool, smile or wave at those lifeguards. We love knowing that you had a great day at the pool, and that you and your family and friends enjoyed themselves. So have fun and be safe!
(And yes. We really do love a good thunder storm.)