To the game that is taking over my life,
I remember one day last week when I was just scrolling through Facebook and saw everyone raving about this new app and I became curious. Little did I know that that would be the moment I lost control over my own life.
I downloaded you thinking that would just be something fun for me to do whenever I was bored and I have been wrong about a lot of things in my time, but I don’t think I had ever been that wrong. I thought you were just going to be a cute little app to play at 2:00 in the morning when I couldn’t sleep, but now I find myself driving to the next town over at 2:00 in the afternoon because I have caught all of the Pokémon near me.
I couldn’t have imagined that I would be bonding with people by texting them saying. “Hey, wanna go catch some Pokémon?” I couldn’t have imagined holding my phone in front of me whenever I was doing normal, everyday tasks like going to the grocery store. However, here I am. Always on the lookout for the newest Pokémon for me to catch. Always trying to save my items until I am in desperate need to use them. Always forgetting to put on sunscreen because I wasn’t planning on spending three hours walking around a park on a sunny afternoon.
Here’s to you, Pokémon Go. Here’s to the new friendships that have formed because I saw that a Facebook friend had found a tip on their profile that I would never have figured out without them. Here’s to the walks that my dogs are probably sick of taking, but I don’t want to feel too strange walking around my neighborhood at all hours of the day and night. Here’s to you for forcing me to go visit places that I would never have imagined, and even though I came to those places to find a new Pokémon, I ended up enjoying where I was even without my phone.
Thanks for being an app that I thought would just be fun until I actually downloaded you and realized I was basically selling my soul.
Your friend,
The girl who is finally reaching her step goals