I think about you often and by often I mean daily. For all those years you were a major constant in my life when everything around me was changing. I bonded to you more than I have to anyone or anything else and I don't think anything will ever change that. You were always there for me; be it happy times or sad, I knew exactly where to find you. I feel it necessary to thank you for shaping me into the person I have grown into.
For some of you the pet might have been a cat, but for me it was a dog. Her name was Libby and she was quite possibly one of the most important figures in my life. I'm sure some of you are thinking, "How? She was a DOG.." She might have been a dog, but she was very smart. Any time I was upset about something I would run to a specific couch in our house and she would follow me there and lick me until I felt better. She was my protector, but beyond that, she was my best friend. She knew if I was upset, or having a bad day and she knew exactly how to make me feel better. I told her all of my secrets, which at five, were very few. Through any and all of our moves she, along with my parents, were my constant.
Every day I think of something I wish I could tell you. I think of how different life would be if you were still around. I think of all the secrets I would have shared with you, and all the tears you would have licked away. I also think of all the tears that wouldn't have been shed because I wouldn't be crying over losing you. I am glad that you aren't in pain anymore and that you're chasing bunnies up in heaven having the time of your life. Writing this I almost don't even know what to say because I'm sure you already know. I know you are my angel and that you watch over me, it's just one of those feelings that I get and know it has to be true.
Though you may have "just been a dog" I feel as though you've helped shape me into the woman I am today. I often think if what I'm doing would make you proud, because I look at you as a big sister and best friend. Maybe you couldn't feel emotions like pride, but I like to think you did. You were there from the moment I was born, you watched me grow and learn, you kept me out of trouble and sometimes got into trouble with me. There is nothing that pleases me more than thinking of you watching me grow as I got older. I hope I make you proud. I miss you so much and I cannot wait to see you again someday, and hopefully when I do I'll be able to talk to you, and understand you. Thank you for shaping me into who I have become, even if you are "only a dog" I learned how to have a pure heart from you...so thank you.
Love always,
your best friend and human.