Dear me,
Hey, how have you been lately? What goes on in that insane mind of yours these days? I haven't seen you in years, I'm really proud of the person you have become. You have really impressed by growing into the person you want to be.
Remember those days when you would lay in your room and just dream of how the future would be; well it’s nothing like you could have ever imagined. Remember being told you could be anything you wanted to be, but now knowing that isn't entirely true. Being in college is a wonderful experience. It can be difficult at times, but you will overcome it. Just know what is important and put your whole heart into your school work. Continue to tell yourself "you can do it." You have a huge heart my friend and what a curse/ blessing that is.
Your past self
I used to believe all the names people called me. I had a hard time making friends growing up and not very many people stayed by my side. I got so used to the situation of every time someone had a problem with me, they would stop being my friend and completely cut off all contact.
It still happens sometimes when people have problems with me. With time I have managed to overcome my fears and expectations of people but it took a little help from my friends. What you have to remember when overcoming fears is to never give up. If I could go back and talk to the person I used to be, one thing I would say to her is to not believe all the lies people spew. I would also tell my past self to let people come back into my life because true friends will always be there for you and come back to you.
There was a brief moment where the pain, anger, frustration and sadness just took took over. For a brief moment, I didn't know who I was or where I wanted to go. I was so upset that I continued to lose very important people in my life, even though I had my friends and family I felt like I had no one to go to. I gave up on caring how I looked, I was falling down the rabbit hole. And I'm still working on rebuilding myself up.- slowly getting there.
I have not forgotten about your dreams and ambitions, old self. I am not the same person I was a few years ago and there's nothing wrong with that. I am beautifully bruised, scarred, and a much better version of you. So my friend, I hope you understand I had to let go of a huge part of myself, but that was only to let a better part in.
So never give up and keep on trying.