The most inspiring people are always the ones who live their lives without fear of others’ opinions of them and make decisions that result in leaving their comfort zones to chase personal growth and goals. It seems as if everyone’s goal is to live life in an extraordinary way and escape the pitfalls that most of tend to settle into. However, only a very small fraction of us have the courage to exit comfort zones and avoid settling for a life that is ordinary. That small fraction serves as an inspiration for each one us to find the courage within ourselves to live a life we chose and did not settle for. I for one am lucky, because I have two people in my life that possess the courage to serve as inspirations to my life, as well as to many others’, and this one is for them, and everyone else who had the courage to be afraid but yet still go after the life of their dreams.
To the most inspiring person in my life,
As someone who constantly followed the crowd and refused to do anything that every single person I could possibly think of wouldn’t approve of, I have always been inspired by anyone who didn’t give a second thought to the opinions of others. It was a quality I never possessed myself but constantly wished I did. I admire your courage; I am intrigued that you are not affected by what other people think of you or want of you. You inspired me to not hide any quality I had, because I had to live my life in a way that would result in my happiness. Thanks to you, I am no longer scared of what people think of me. I am not scared to be the smart girl in class or disagree with the opinion of the crowd, because I know that if you have the courage to be happy in your life despite how others feel about it, I can have the courage to do the same, in my own way.
I have never been someone who willingly exited comfort zones. I always hated change, and although I live in constant fear of settling for a life and not choosing it, I always knew that I ultimately would end up settling for a life because I lack the courage to put myself in situations that scare me. However, when you entered my life, you demonstrated that courage was something that ran in your blood, and I’m inspired by courageous people. Your courage inspired me be afraid and enjoy it because the only way to not settle in life is to be courageous, and sometimes courage means jumping out of an airplane, but other times, it just means making a decision that scares you. You did just that. Your courage to make terrifying decisions inspired me to make a few myself, and although I have yet to make any of the life-changing decisions you have, I have made decisions that I knew a lot of people would question my sanity over, but decisions that would result in a happier life for myself. For me, that’s a major step in the direction of exiting my comfort zone, because as I said earlier, I’ve always needed approval. It seems like everyone stays in one place for most of their lives, and I would have been one of those people -- I would have lacked personal growth. However, thanks to you two inspiring me, I found a little bit of your courage in my cowardly self.
You are a blessing that was placed in my life. I am a firm believer that of the 7.4 billion people that populate the Earth today, every single one of them that crosses our path does so for a reason. Sometimes they become our lifelong friends, other times they pass quickly, while some of them teach us valuable lessons. You did the latter. Thank you for showing me that courage is the most important possession any person can carry -- and whether you use that courage to leave your comfort zone or just live a life that feels good to you despite outside opinions of it, that courage is the difference between living a life you chose, versus living a life you settled for. You never know, maybe you crossing my path resulted in me being brave enough to change my path’s direction.
With love,
The girl you inspired