As I begin to explore the dating world as a college student, I have been asked the same question thousands of times. In some shape or form, guys have used this question— more than likely to ask a few things in one loaded question— but what they really don't understand is the feelings it invokes in women who recieve this ridiculous question.
"Why is a pretty girl like you single?"
Personally, the reason I am single isn't because I can't get a man, but the men—or shall I say, the boys—who have crossed my path are not what I am looking for.
I find it rather irritating when I am asked this question. I know it is usually meant as a compliment or a way to let me know they find me attractive. The point is that my single status shouldn't be reliant upon whether or not I look "good." It also shouldn't have to define me as damaged or not good enough because I don't have a boyfriend already.
One time, this guy messaged me on social media and asked me this: "I dont mean to be too forward, but why is a girl as gorgeous as you single?" I was so shocked at the question that I didn't know how to respond. My mind filled with so many different things I could say. Why would he ask me that? What is he trying to accomplish by making me feel less worthy by bringing up the fact that I am single? My reply to him, after lots of thought, was simply that: "I'm enjoying my life at the moment and the right guy hasn't found me yet."
Usually, the guys asking this question are the ones who don't really want a relationship to begin with. This is another reason why I have chosen to be single, along with many other women.
For anyone caught in this rather discouraging position, start with a deep breath and count to ten. As you're counting to ten, think about all the good qualities you have and how those are what define you, instead of whether you have a man on your arm or not. After that, remind yourself that the person asking you that is just looking for a way to start conversation, and more than likely not interested in fixing the "problem" of your single status.