I grew up in Queens, New York. Growing up I had plenty of friends that were Black, Asian, Indian, Hispanic, Phillipino, etc., and I never heard of prejudice or racism until I moved to a small town in Pennsylvania. Now that I am older, it seems like I am more prone to hearing racial slurs, sexual orientation jokes, and even sexist jokes. These jokes and slurs should make your blood boil. They should make you uncomfortable. They should make you angry. Prejudice people need to understand that first, there is one human race; no matter what color, religion, sexual orientation someone is, woman or man, they should be allowed to be what they are without criticism and taunting. Second, I hear this from a lot of prejudice people, "I do not like that certain group of people because I had a bad encounter with someone like that." Does anyone understand how absurd this sounds? Using one example of a person to apply to an entire group is so twisted and incorrect that people need to refrain from using this as an excuse. So before you judge based on someone's ethnicity, race, gender, age, religion, basically anything you think is "wrong" because you are somehow "right" understand this: Just because you are part of one group, does not make you superior to another, and if you cannot comprehend that, then simply keep your opinions to yourself. It is not that hard.
I wanted to state a specific example of how ridiculous prejudice people sound, especially those who discriminate based on skin color. Did you know that different skin colors around the world represent where our ancestors resided? Do you understand that in order to survive strong rays of UV, people needed to have darker skin pigmentation, or those whose ancestors resided more towards the poles only have lighter skin because the UV rays were not that strong? Yes. Skin color exists because of environmental adaptation and that's basically it. Skin color does not have anything to do with what social class/status you are, how educated you are, or how much money you have for those of you who think otherwise. So, do not insult science with small minded comments and thoughts.
For those of you who are sexist, I have a few words for you, too. The only thing that separates a woman and a man is basic anatomy structures; women have different parts than men, and we can probably add that. Yes, men have the ability to be larger and stronger, but it is 2017 people. Yesterday I was appalled to see a man comment on Facebook how women need men for physical aspects of life and all we are good for is house duties. Excuse me? I live in a single mother household, and she has raised 4 kids basically on her own, and we have been doing just fine. Anything a man can do a woman can do; let us get that straight. Also, I know tons of men who think they are more well rounded and educated than a woman. False. Not sure why men think that having an extra body part makes them superior to women, but it needs to stop.
Are you not convinced yet?
For those of you who have a problem with people being bisexual, gay, lesbian, asexual, etc., that is simply not any of your business! If you have a problem with someone else's sexual orientation and feel the need to have snark comments and beliefs off of something that is not even interrupting your life, stop putting your two sense into theirs. People have the right to like/love/be with whoever they please, and there are not rules for that. Being small minded about it will not change how they feel at all. They probably do not even care what you have to say!
I know everyone is entitled to his or her own opinions which is fine and great, but until you openly discriminate someone else for how they live and their beliefs, it becomes a problem. Am I being contradicting because I am judging prejudice people for just being prejudice? I might be. Am I doing any harm or hurt by doing so and maybe trying to open the eyes of those of you with prejudice beliefs? No hurt or harm here, just help. As generations go on, I really hope this does not remain a problem, and people are more educated with their beliefs.