Here is a letter that I wish I could have read when I was younger. If I could have given myself advice, this is what it would have been. Hope you all enjoy and can relate!
Dear Me,
Seize every opportunity.
But don’t stretch yourself too thin.
Stick up for yourself,
but be kind.
Enjoy the moment,
But have ideas for the future.
Love with all you have,
But know it could mean getting hurt.
Very, very hurt.
Don’t dwell too much.
Don’t hold grudges.
It’s okay to not be positive all the time.
But try.
Be honest.
It’s okay to hurt sometimes,
But be able to move on.
You won’t marry him,
But she will be your friend forever.
You will be okay on your own.
Not everyone will leave.
Only the people that were meant to.
Only the people that won’t look back when they go.
Everyone does things they regret and makes mistakes.
Not all of this will matter in ten years,
But that doesn’t mean it’s not important.
Balance is key to success in life.
Thank you for all that you do,
Thank you for all that you can do.