Dear past self,
Let me just start off my saying how proud I am of you for staying strong even during the toughest moments. You overcame so many obstacles that only you knew about, therefore doing it all by yourself. You never gave up on your dreams no matter what anybody had to say about them. I know you were not always the happiest, but you always knew something brighter was coming your way. Please, whatever you do, ignore what everybody is telling you and be confident in yourself no matter what you are doing. This is the most importing thing I wish I could have done in the past. I wish I could have told you back then that everything would work out in the future, but I suppose you learned that along the way.
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Dear present self,
I know there is a lot going on right now between school and your social life, but you have to remember what is truly important in your life. In order to reach every goal you want, you need to stay strong and focused on the things that will get you there. Keep doing the best work possible in school and it will all be worth it in the end. I know you were satisfied with your final grades this semester, but try to blow yourself away next semester. Also, continue to find new opportunities that will only open more doors in the future. Do something today that your future self will be proud of.
Dear future self,
Well, did you accomplish all of your dreams and goals? Are you successful? But most importantly, are you happy with where you stand in life? Please tell me that you have only surrounded yourself with people who make you smile each and every day and are only making you into an even better person, instead of tearing you down. I truly hope you are satisfied with the choices you made in the past, but if not, I hope you have learned from them and moved on instead of hanging on to the past. Finally, remain positive, confident and most importantly happy with everything you have accomplished and are looking forward to as more time goes on.
With love,