An Open Letter To Parents Who Are Voting For Trump | The Odyssey Online
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An Open Letter To Parents Who Are Voting For Trump

I'm pulling the daughter card, sorry not sorry.

An Open Letter To Parents Who Are Voting For Trump

Parents who are voting for Trump,

I'm writing to share my view point, because I think it's worth bringing to attention. As a first time voter, as an intelligent young woman, and most importantly as a daughter, I think it's vital to vote for Clinton. Obviously, you're entitled to vote for whomever you choose, but I want to address the people your vote will affect, those who can't vote and rely on you to pave their future for them: your kids.

I want to paint you a picture of what the difference in their futures will look like, as I believe, and probably as many other believe.

With Donald Trump, it will look something like this:

Remember the Brock Turner case that infuriated everyone? The way an entitled kid got such a lenient sentence for digitally raping a young woman? We all know there are so many cases like that, a lot of which don't make it to court, or even get reported in the first place. Rape, or any form of sexual assault, is a very serious fear young college women, like myself, have, and it's something that as a society, still needs to be further addressed. Your daughters, and sons too, should feel safe as they go out into the world.

The rape culture that we live in, very well described here for those who don't think about it or realize its extent, will be perpetuated under Trump's rule. More people, men and boys especially, will take their cues from the nation's leader, the man in charge, and they'll think that Trump's "locker room" talk of grabbing women "by the pussy" is okay. More girls will grow up fearing walking to their cars or to their apartments at night and will experience horribly disrespectful, crude remarks from people on the street by the time they're twenty years old - this is something I know first hand and that I wish I could end before it's the next generation's turn. Voting Trump, I believe, is a step away from that wish.

His crude remarks have displayed his inability to further gender equality, and some of his followers added to this recently by trending #repealthe19th on Twitter after a poll showed that Trump would easily win if only men voted. It may not have been him tweeting it, but his presidency could easily entertain more ridiculous ideas like that, serious or not - and it's offensive.

Even if you support him, you have to admit that he's known for his lack of tactful or politically correct comments. I understand the appeal of someone who's not a career politician, who is blunt and says what some Americans are thinking, but what about when he promotes hate?

I live in Chicago, and I remember last year when Trump was scheduled to speak at a nearby college. There was literally a petition going around online to stop him from coming because there were student minority groups who feared for their safety around his supporters. I think that's awful - no one who is going to be president should cause (or have followers who cause) a fear of personal safety in others, especially young people. And whatever your stance is on borders or immigration, your children should still have the very basic understanding that all people are human beings. All people have feelings and families and lives that we can't possibly understand fully. Everyone is different, obviously so if they come from a different race or culture than ourselves, and these differences need more tolerance and understanding.

So, with Clinton:

First, I'm not saying she's is going to single-handedly end our entire stigma of rape culture. But she sure isn't going to make it worse, like someone who doesn't understand the difference Jean Henry is speaking to in saying that "protecting women is not the solution. Giving women equal treatment and full bodily agency is the solution."

Your sons' and your daughters' bodies are their own. They should always have control over them. They should grow up knowing that. They should damn well have a leader who knows that and who reinforces their empowerment and a sense of basic respect towards other human beings. I don't think voting for her simply because she's a woman is valid, but I can appreciate the viewpoint she brings to the table, along with her experience and other qualifications, as a woman who has surely felt the misogyny in our US culture.

Second, Clinton was Secretary of State; she knows how to interact with peoples from other nations. She understands tolerance and acceptance. I'm not convinced that Trump does, nor that he will be an example of those things to your children. In a world with too much hate already, I don't think that children need more hatred or its influence in their lives. I believe Clinton is far more interested in inspiring and helping the children in our nation than telling them who to hate or stay away from.

Again, I believe that your children's future with Clinton would involve growing up with a strong, and long overdue, female role model leading our nation. Again, I can’t say for sure what all she will do, but the misogyny and the hate that she won’t spew, I think, are more important in terms of thinking of what your children will learn from watching. The gender barriers she will knock down for daughters, the inspiration she will provide by finally proving that a woman can run the white house will have such a lasting, positive affect. She is clearly the better-behaved, more eloquent candidate, and instead of hating her for those "political" qualities, I think it's important to value her potentially positive influence.

I guess when I look at Trump, I don't see any thoughts or actions that I'd hope children would pick up on and mimic. I see lots of negativity and an obvious lack of self-awareness. I do understand the anger towards Clinton that some harbor, but isn't it better to teach your kids forgiveness than to vote for the less-qualified candidate out of spite or stubbornness?

As a daughter myself, I would hope that my parents could see beyond any issues they might have with Clinton's past mistakes and realize that for the future, their children have the most hope if they're with her.


A daughter who just wants to make sure parents are voting with their children's best interests in mind

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