Dear Mom and Dad,
Where to begin?
Thank you. Thank you for the car rides. Thank you for the good night texts. Thank you for the honest advice. Thank you for reminder phone calls when there's a new Law and Order on TV. Thank you for the hugs after a bad day. Thank you for the hugs after a good day. Thank you for building a home full of love for our family. Thank you for being my biggest supporters. Thank you for teaching me right from wrong. Thank you for your selflessness. Thank you for showing me the true meaning of hard work and sacrifice. Thank you for never leaving my side. Thank you for investing so much money into my education. Thank you for giving me everything I could ever need and more. And, most importantly, thank you for preparing me for what's next.
I'm scared too. I know you're scared of what's next, but I am too. In a few short months I'll be leaving the people and place I've known for the past four years to go experience something bigger. I still have no idea of what's next, but that's okay. I know that it's hard for you to hear that my mind still isn't made up. I've double majored and minored yet here I am, still figuring out what it is that I want to do with my life. Although there are still so many decisions to be made, I can promise you one thing: I will never settle for less than I deserve. It's because of you that I know my worth. You've reminded me time after time of my potential and I promise I will never let that go to waste.
You did a great job. Just about 100 days from now I will graduate from college. You've supported me through 18 years of schooling..that's pretty impressive. So please, don't be sad when you see me walk across that stage. Be proud of yourselves for getting me to this moment. I mean it more than anything when I say that I could never have gotten this far without the both of you.
I'll always come home. Though part of me wishes that I'd never have to leave here, most of me is excited for what's next. I need you now more than ever, just in different ways than before. Allow me to make mistakes and learn from them. Let me have fun and be an adult all at the same time. Listen to my stories and ideas, but tell me when I'm being naive. No matter what happens next, know that I'll always need you. Whether I accept a job offer right down the street, move on to grad school to further my education, or buy a plane ticket to see what else is out there; remember that I'll always come home.
You've planted a seed, now watch it grow.
"I love you more than anything in the world,
Love your baby girl"