When the phone would ring at 3:30 in the morning you would answer and listen, even though you couldn't understand what i was trying to say through my hysterical crying. You didn't care what was going on you still did everything in your power to try and calm me. When things got bad, you were my rock. You kept me grounded and told me everything was going to be okay. You were the anchor in my sea of crashing waves.
You spent countless hours sitting outside of school gyms waiting for me to walk to your van and complain about how my sets just weren't on that day. You wasted countless miles driving me to stay the night with my friends just to turn around as we got down the street because I forgot my charger. You've cleaned up gallons of my spilled blue kool-aid from your once clean living room carpet. You've told me many lies about how beautiful my artwork was, even when we both knew it was terrible. You've brushed my hair several times because when you did it I never cried. There was never a time when you weren't there.
Even when you didn't need to be there, when it wasn't your turn, you still were. When I was left at the school gym by them you came to my rescue. When i forgot my lunch at home and they were busy, you weren't. When they yelled and screamed about things that didn't matter, you were the one that told me to just ignore it. It's always been you.
Things have changed now. I've grown up and so have you, but sadly, they haven't. But that's okay, because i still have you. I still have a shoulder to cry on. I still have a hand to hold. I still have someone willing to give me money when I'm broke, even when you don't have the money to give. I still have the person that's always been there.
I'm in college now so things are different. I need you now more than I ever have, but its harder with you not being a seven minute drive away. Even being 153.4 miles away doesn't stop you from telling me how proud of me that you are. 153.4 miles still doesn't stop you from calling me to make sure I'm feeling well. From 153.4 miles away you still make sure I eat. 153.4 miles won't stop you from making sure I'm doing what I need to do.
I can't even put into words how much I appreciate you never leaving my side. I know I can be totally ridiculous and a lot to deal with but that never made you give up. When they quit all it made me realize was how much it means to have someone like you in my life. Someone who is willing to do anything and everything to see me succeed. Someone who's only goal in life is to see me happy. Someone who truly cares about me and not just how much money I can make them.
Of course I wish they were still here. Of course there are nights where I cry myself to sleep thinking why I wasn't good enough for them. Of course it hurts me. But those are the times where you are simply a phone call away. Those are the times when you comfort me and remind me that we did just fine without them.
So I want to say thank you. Thank you for being the one that cared. Thank you for doing everything you possibly could to make me happy. Thank you for being there when they weren't. And lastly thank you for always supporting my decisions even when you didn't agree with them. I love you.