As it happens to the best of us, we go through life believing a certain someone will be with us all the way through life and stick it out until the end. This person may be a mother/father, a brother/sister, a best friend, a mentor, an ex boyfriend/girlfriend, or even simply yourself.
We build relationships with people in hopes that when you need a shoulder to cry on, to support you in life, or someone to gossip to, we'll have that person there with us. Even when we are born, it seems like the world is at our hands. You can be friends with whomever you want, do as you please, and live the life you plan to have.
However, as we grow older and older, that person you use to call your best friend in middle school is now a person you have drifted away from and haven't talked to in years. We depend on those people to bring us through life one step at a time.
But I am here today, not to whine and cry about all the people that hurt me and gave up on me. I am here writing to say, thank you for giving up on me.
Thank you for giving up on me so that I was able to become who I am today with the people that are in my life now. If it were not for the boys who broke my heart in high school, the times I was kicked from home, or even the long lectures I was given about how I need to fix my life, where would I be? Where would I be today if those moments never happened?
I say thank you because I wouldn't have pushed myself more in life, if it were not for the constant doubt people had in me.
Mothers that make you feel like you're throwing your life away because you received a "C" grade, best friends that part ways because of stupid rumors, and the teacher that didn't care if you showed up. Those people may give up on you from time to time or even forever, but you will always have yourself.
We are all so fast to give up on each other especially when we have our own problems at hand. So at times when you looked to your best friend for advice and they turned you down for someone else, turn your cheek and accept it. You will become stronger from it.
Live your life how you want to live it. Many people will come and go from your life, but it is your job to take control and believe in yourself to do whatever your heart desires. Don't let others control how your life turns out.
So here I am, abandoners, saying I will live my life how I please from now on. I will never let you bring me down again. I will believe in myself because I have earned this. Despite all of the times where I needed someone to step in and I was left surrendering to your disapproval of my actions, I will stay strong and live my life.
Someone Trying To Move On