When I first started college, the image that I always had in my head of what 'college' was, was always of parties and drinking. Well, starting my sophomore year of college this year, I honestly do not have any desire to go to a party. I can't even imagine going somewhere you can't even breathe without touching someone else or being so drunk that I can not function the next day-let alone remember the night before. Not to mention the fear of being drunk and doing something stupid in front a bunch of strangers.
There are so many things to do when you go off to college. Just because drinking is not something for you does not mean that it's not normal. Now that's not to say that being someone who does want to go out every day of the weekend drinking and partying is bad. I'm just saying if you are a homebody it is ok. To me, there is nothing better than being curled up in my room with a movie, with some popcorn relaxing.
I just, personally, don't understand how someone can enjoy the environment that is a college party. To me, being jammed into a room that instantly becomes 20 degrees hotter due to the sheer amount of people, makes me uncomfortable just thinking about it. The anxiety of being around so many people and so much alcohol are too much to bear. For me, drinking just does not do anything for me, but there are lots of reasons for someone not to drink, such as a bad experience, if alcoholism runs in their family, maybe they are allergic, or they simply do not enjoy it.
For those of us who do not like partying or drinking I will say there are a lot of benefits to being sober on campus during the weekends. For one, you can be a designated driver in order to make some extra cash. Two, you will not have a hangover that leaves you unable to leave your bed, because all you want is sleep. Three, that very important assignment, or project, you have to finish this weekend will be done with plenty of time left to do the things you really want to do.
At the end of the day, though, you can either force yourself to be somewhere you do not want to be, with people you do not know (or maybe even like), or you can just say this is not for me and go do what you actually want to do. Do not let anyone tell you that parties are where you'll meet your friends because you can go join a club that is here on campus. You don't need to worry about not liking parties; there are a lot of people on campus who feel the same way and are more than willing to spend a night watching movies with you than going out.