Dear freshman,
First, welcome to the best year of your life. Don’t take a second for granted because I promise it will be over before you know it. There will be stress, heartache, tears of happiness and sadness, insanity, and adventures. But, most importantly there will be memories and friendships that will last forever. Needless to say, I would go back in a heartbeat to relive the moments where my home away from home stole my heart, and late nights turned into mornings with friends that turned into family.
As syllabus week comes to an end and homework starts piling up, don’t freak out. There will always be a sweaty mosh pit of frat boys waiting to belt out a playlist of our favorite songs after you finish your papers or spend endless hours at the library. School is going to be tough, but don’t get tied down in the stress. Never forget to reward yourself and take study breaks. This is your first year, so while grades are serious, it is also your year to take chances and really find yourself.
Don’t be afraid. As cliché and general as this statement may seem, it is so important to be as open to this new life as possible. You never know if that random person you meet is going to become the most incredible best friend. The friendships you make throughout this year are going to solidify who you are. The journey allows you to find yourself in new relationships and become whoever it is you truly want to be. The people I met my freshman year changed my life forever and made every moment worth it. I’d be lying if I said I’m not envious of every freshman on campus while walking to class or going out, I feel nostalgia come over me as the memories rush back.
Always remember that life begins at the end of your comfort zone. You have so many opportunities presented in front of you so don’t let them slip by. The dorms and the dining halls will come to an end but freshman year will live inside of you forever. Savor every bit, I promise it will be worth it.