Dear me,
I'm sorry. I'm sorry for neglecting you and your feelings. For pushing you aside because "we just don't have time for that right now." I apologize for overthinking. For causing you to worry, over the smallest things. I'm sorry for taking you for granted.
Thank you. Thank you for continuing to be strong, to push through. I am so very thankful for you. With that being said here are some things you should work on.
Stop worrying. That's a hard task and should not be taken lightly, but anxiety is not healthy. Give yourself a break. You work very hard, nonstop. Take a break. Enjoy the weather, go to a movie with friends; life is too short to spend buried in your school work. Continue to push yourself and stop letting you be your worse enemy. You can do anything. You are your worse critic. Give yourself some credit. It's not arrogant to acknowledge your strong suits. It's okay that you're good at something. Feel. That's right, I said it. The ultimate weakness, your emotions. Don't just pass through life aimlessly, staying "unattached." Tell someone you love them, or hate them. Cry when you're sad and laugh uncontrollably when you're happy. Let nothing hold you back, including yourself.
I understand you get caught up in this life long battle of "I just don't have time for this." It's inevitable, we all do. Just acknowledge you. Celebrate you. Love you.