Before you start doubting everything you’ve ever done, just stop.
Life is about taking risks and making mistakes. It’s about learning and fixing things and smiling. It’s not about feeling sorry every time someone is displeased with what you say, or feeling guilty for things that happened years ago that don’t even matter.
I’m sorry for not taking care of you. For letting you stay up late at night and messing up your sleep schedule. I’m sorry for not working out when I know that it would benefit you in the long run. I’m sorry for mistreating you and calling you names that you don’t deserve.
The truth is, I did so many things in the past that I can’t take back, but I don’t regret any of it. Every heartbreak that you’ve been through, every challenge that’s been thrown at you, you’ve handled things like a champ. You spread your wings so far and yet you felt like you got nowhere, but you flew.
Every person that you’ve met so far has had a bigger impact than you think. You’ve made some people smile but you’ve also hurt people in the process. Remember that no matter what, being the bigger person is the most important thing. Don’t stoop down to the level of those who hurt you, and definitely do not let what people say define you.
The truth about life is that it’s hard to live in the moment, but when the moment is gone, you want nothing more than to go back. Cherish the time you have left with family because they won’t last forever. Take care of your friends and let them know that you love them and that they are important to you. Never let those you love wonder if they mean anything to you.
Try your best in school because I promise you it will be worth it, and you’ll thank yourself later. Trust me. There will always be ups and downs, and sometimes life will kick you when you’re already on the ground. Sometimes it feels as if you will never catch a break but don’t let it stop you. Get back up, and even if you fall, get back up again. Don’t waste time on things you cannot change, but instead move on and build from where you left off.
Most importantly, don’t forget to live your life. Things happen so fast and before you know it, you’ll be old and thinking back on everything you didn’t do. Take risks. Try new things. Burst out of your bubble. Though life is the longest thing we do, it will go by way too fast. Don’t forget to slow down and take some time to love the life you’re living. In the end, that’s the only thing that matters.