To the little kid with big eyes, missing teeth, and a very poor attention span: you will learn how to type on a keyboard without looking at the keys. It just takes practice, like everything else.
Embrace your boundless energy because, trust me, you will miss it when you are older. You will be listening to the same 'N Sync songs you dance to with your sister when you are in the car with your friends 10 years later. You sure do know how to dance like nobody's watching.
It's okay if you don't understand math as well as everybody else does. Everyone uses a calculator now, anyway. Go ahead and play in the mud if you want to. Go discover, explore, get your hands dirty. Pick up insects while you are not yet completely terrified of them. Don't be ashamed of your imaginary friends. Sometimes a little imagination is all you need.
Your mom is Superwoman. She will unfreeze the computer every time without fail, make your favorite dinner every night, keep the house impossibly clean, and always make you feel incredibly important.
Your sister is going to be your best friend for the rest of your life, so stop being mean to her. She is a tiny human, just like you are. She will also never let you forget all the times you were mean to her and you will feel very guilty for it, someday.
Cherish your Polly Pockets, because 19 year old you will realize that this is the closest you will ever come to owning a private jet, convertible limousine, and horse-drawn carriage. Your teeth may look a little weird, right now, and you will have to get this thing called an "apparatus" which you will consistently confuse with "asparagus," but your teeth will grow in and you will have a brilliant smile.
"Harry Potter" will always be magical for you. You will read and reread the books for the next seven years, cry quite a bit through some of it, and cry even more during the movies. Even though you refuse to read anything else, right now, you will find books that inspire you and make you feel just as much. Your favorite teacher is probably still going to be your favorite teacher ten years from now. Keep in touch; she still definitely wants to hear from you.
You are always going to be Daddy's little girl. The same way you jump up and run across the house to hug him when he gets home from work is the same thing he is going to do for you when you come home from college.
All the big kids and adults you see really aren't as old and wise as you think they are. They know just as much about themselves as you do now. Honestly, they are just as jealous of you, as you are of them. I wish I had the energy and endless optimism that you do. Try to stay that way as long as you can. Use your imagination, color outside the lines, read all the books, and do not let yourself be bullied. Someday, you are going to be someone great.