An Open Letter to Miss.USA:
"Miss Cambodia is here and doesn't speak any English and not a single other person speaks her language," Summers muses. "Can you imagine? Francesca said that would be so isolating and I said, 'yes and just confusing all the time,' Summers continued before concluding: "Poor Cambodia."
"She pretends to know so much English and then you ask her a question after having a whole conversation and she goes ..." Summers said while nodding dramatically. "She's adorable," she added, laughing [in a fake manner].
Dear Ms.USA,
You made a very poor attempt to "empathize" with the non-English speaking narrative.
Not knowing how to speak English does not make anyone in need of your pity. Wake-up call: The world does not circulate around the English language.
Second wake-up call: Millions around the world don't know how to speak English and, in fact, they do not really need to. What's more isolating is not being unable to speak English, but rather being singled out for not knowing ONE out of hundreds of languages in a competition where contestants come from every point in the globe. What's more confusing is being mocked for simply knowing your own native language. Your attempt to "admire the courage" of those who cannot speak English is no such admiration at all. It is a xenophobic microaggression that many non-native English speakers know too well.
Third wake-up call: Miss USA, a lot of us have grown out of that passive-aggressive "high school girl" drama–why haven't you? Is this your pathetic attempt to stay relevant after you lose the competition? Wake-up call: true empathy and genuineness can be clearly seen and felt. Why are you surprised that people did not perceive this as respectful? People can see your phoniness very clearly––I'm glad you decided to pursue modeling instead of acting.
I guess this Miss Universe experience may be good for you. It's a chance for you to see other individuals who may not have perfect English, who may not know how to speak English at all, who may not have blonde hair, fair skin, and round eyes. It's a chance for you to understand that you need not pity those who are not like you. Perhaps you should've been a part of more global competitions. Perhaps you should travel the world more––and no I don't mean traveling to California and New York and discovering that ethnic people who don't know how to speak English exist in the United States too. Perhaps you should travel to Cambodia or Vietnam––I wonder if you'll pity 90% of the country for not knowing how to speak English.
Fifth wake-up call: How do you expect to become Miss Universe when you have no sense of global awareness?
Many say your features are the best representation of a perfect "American Girl." I agree. You are a great representation of this country's ethnocentric, intolerant, and two-faced attitude. However, you are also not a great representation of this country–– this land belongs to the shoals of exiles, the tired, the poor, and the huddled masses from tempest-tost shores. This is the land of the Natives, the land of the immigrants, the land where the English language only meant dominion and oppression. There are two parts of this country, both the good and the bad.
You just so happen to bring out the worst.
A non-native English speaker
P.S Those hot pink earrings were atrocious.