Dear mom's best friend,
First off I'd like to say thank you. Thank you for not only being my mom's best friend, but also for being a second mom to me. While I am away I can count on being checked up on, not only by her but also by you. You have taken a special place in my heart of someone that I can call or text if my mom isn't around at that moment.
I know that you will always be there for me and that you will always be there to give me advice. I can always look to you when things don't seem just right and have a second opinion on things that need to be solidified in my mind. You are someone that I look forward to seeing when I come home, because I know that you get excited knowing that I will only be ten minutes away as well.
Thank you for helping me and being there for me, but I also want to say thank you for my mom. You are there for her physically when I cannot be. You are there for her to take the crazy road trips with that I would otherwise be on and you are there to help her when she doesn't know how to help me but overall, you are there to be her best friend when she feels like she is all alone.
I am extremely happy that I not only have someone like you in my life but that she does as well and that we can both turn to you when we feel that we have no one else to turn to. You are truly an amazing and wonderful woman who loves everyone else in your life than you love yourself. I am grateful to have you to give me a hug when I come home and sit and talk to me when I am having a good day and to like and comment on all of my statuses' that say something amazing and to root for my successes. I know that you are always proud of my accomplishments as if I was one of your own children.
With my mom being friends with you, I not only gained you, but the rest of your family. Having so much support behind me when I feel like I may fall a part is encouraging and pushes me to keep going so that you all continue to be happy with accomplishments.
There is so much that I could say but a lot of it I cannot put into words. You have made such a big impact on my life that I don't know how to express without sounding like a rambling idiot. I am so proud to have someone like you and I know my mom is as well. We both would have boring and lonely lives without you and appreciate everything you ever do for us.
Again, thank you for not only being one of my biggest supporters, but also one of my moms. Thank you for taking both of us into your arms openly and showing us the amazing love that you have inside of you and thank you so much for caring about us enough for us to actually know that we have someone there when we feel alone in this big, scary world.
Love always,
Your second daughter