Dear Residents Assistants And Resident Director Of My Freshman Dorm Building:
Thank you for welcoming me to Keystone College before I even moved in.
As I walk into my sophomore year, I remember everything you helped me with from me locking myself out to the pointless questions like, "Can we have a tent in our suite?"
Thank you for being my first friends even though I thought you were just my babysitter. I think it takes a lot of people a very long time to realize that the residence staff are there to help us and protect us, and I am thankful that you guys made it easy for me to befriend you.
Mostly, thank you for making me feel like Keystone College was my house away from my home. You made me never want to leave Moffat. (Crazy, right?)
Living in the dorms could be a little scary and a little crazy, but you made it comfortable. You were the people who always smiled and waved when we walked past you.
I knew I could talk to you and joke with you when something happened and I panicked.
I knew I could talk to you when those two friends weren't getting along, and I didn't know what to do.
I knew I could talk to you when I was stressed about my first finals week and inconveniently suffered a cold.
You made us feel more welcomed. If we did something stupid, you'd let us know. You wouldn't freak out, and scream. You'd come to us calmly and talk to us. We became a family, if only a temporary one.
A piece of me will always be grateful to have had you to guide me when I asked for advice and to cast a blind eye when you knew it was better for us.
You let us make our mistakes and sometimes pay for them (the boys' lounge couch), and you let us be freshman.
Because you knew freshman make mistakes and do dumb things, as they should.
So, to the freshman who come to the building next year, it seems like they're up your butt about things, and that they can be "mean" because you need to clean your room a bit more than you're used to, but listen to them and talk to them. They're not bad people. I promise.
Thank you Moffat Staff, you're the best.