Dear Millennial Liberals,
I am a conservative millennial, and I can see that you're hurting and I get it. Most of you were with Bernie, and then after the primaries you were with Hillary. It's hard to see your candidate lose. I and most other conservative millennials can identify with that. Most of us were thinking Hillary had it in the bag, and we were already preparing ourselves for what would happen if she were elected. However, election night came and went and you all got a taste of what Indian's fans felt like during the World Series this year. But put simply, you're candidate lost, and it is not unreasonable for you to be upset about it.
To say that the protests and riots are surprise to everyone is a straight lie. We knew this would happen no matter who got elected. However, what does this accomplish? How does this help Hillary? Or Bernie? Or even your fellow American? Trump hasn't even assumed office yet and you're just making the last two months of Obama's presidency an even bigger headache for him. Violence only breeds more violence, and so far Trump has had nothing to do with it. The sooner you all accept that he will be president, the sooner we can all sit down at a table and break bread, because that's what we do as American's. We say "Even though I don't agree with you, I am willing to work with you."
Now before I address your concerns, I believe it is important to at least explain why Trump won. Democratic Party is almost unrecognizable from what it was 8 years ago. Back then the party was all about protecting blue collar, low income, unionized workers. However, at some point in the last 8 years the party veered further left to where their primary concern focused only on social justice issues and the environment. This causes the democrats to have a conflict of interest. See most of these unionized blue collar workers are in industries that aren't seen as the most environmentally friendly and when projects like the Keystone Pipeline get shut down, they're the ones who lose out. So, enter Trump in 2015 and he sells the message that he just wants to bring all the outsourced jobs back and the message gets picked up. The simple fact that all of you seemed to miss is that while social justice issues can be important, people vote with their wallets.
So first off, take a second to breathe and look at this like the rational people I know you are. Think about the history of America. I am a conservative through and through, but even I know that America has been socially progressive since it's birth. Donald Trump's presidency does not mean slavery is coming back and women are losing the right to vote. All it means is the same thing that has happened during all conservative times of power, which is that the social issues will not progress at the rate you want. While many of you are ready for progressive social issues, a good half the country is not. We just went through a very progressive 8 years at what seemed like 100 mph and now it just came to an abrupt stop. The shell shock you all are experiencing right now is the same thing most of us experienced every day for the last 8 years.
Now here is the paragraph where most of you will disagree with us on. Donald Trump's policies aren't actually that bad. American's have a duty to protect and serve other American's first. What both sides of the aisle can agree on is that America is not a utopian society yet. So why on Earth would we try to bring in more people and try to fix the world when we can't even take care of our people and fix our own problems. Help us help you. Help us get our economy straightened out, get our middle class back to work, and get the national debt under control. Then and only then can we look outside and say "Let me help you." What kind of hypocrites are we that we think we can solve the world's problems when our own people are dying in the streets.
So this brings me to my conclusion. Trump is our president now. The government is controlled by the republicans. Republicans by no means have all the answers. There will be ideas that get voted on that will be extremely beneficial to our country and there will be ideas that will be detrimental. Let's learn from each other's mistakes. We will from you and not ignore your pleas and you will help be apart of our conscience. On the flip side, we need you to learn from us and compromise with us. Then and only then will we see the country actually rise.