Thank you. Thank you thank you thank you.
Thank you for always being there for me even if you were over 6,000 miles away. Thank you for making the distance feel like you were just down the road. It’s hard knowing I can’t leave school and just come see you or spend my birthday with you here. But, somehow, you know how to make 7,540 miles feel like 10.
Thank you for trusting me. Thank you for not questioning anything I do. It’s hard to live a normal college life and be in a military relationship. There are only certain hours of the day we are both free, so thank you for not being mad when I choose to spend those hours out and about with my friends. For understanding that I need to have my own life on top of the one I have with you.
Thank you for supporting me. It means more than I could ever tell you. You have supported every decision I’ve made, even when you knew it wasn’t going to end well (which happens more often than not).
Thank you for making me feel special. Despite the fact I only see you two or three times a year, you always know what to say to put a smile on my face. I don’t even have to tell you something is wrong anymore, you just know. You know how to make me feel like one in a million even when I don’t deserve it.
Thank you for not giving up on me when I make your life twice as difficult as it needs to be. For knocking some sense into me when I feel like the world is crashing down. Thank you for not just ignoring me when I take out all my stress on you.
Thank you for always trying to help. No matter what it is you are always offering to help me in any way you can. Whether it’s helping me study for a class or trying to give me money for something.
Thank you for giving me a chance to travel. Since you have left for the military I have gotten the chance to visit places like California and Hawaii. Places I definitely would have never had a reason to go see without you.
I would also like to take this time to tell you I’m proud of you. You may think you haven't done anything for me to be proud of, but you are so wrong. I'm proud of you for deciding to leave everything to serve your country. For being ready to sacrifice everything for the ones you love. I'm so proud of everything you have accomplished.
We might fight over stupid little things and you might frustrate me to the point of wanting to pull out my own hair sometimes, but I wouldn't trade what we have for anything.
Thank you and never forget I'm proud of you.
With so much love,
Your girlfriend