No, My migraine is NOT just a headache.
Dear Migraines,
Over the past few years, you have been a big part of my life. Whether I wanted you to be or not. I don't know what I would do without you. Maybe I would have more energy, maybe I could go out and hang with friends more often, and maybe I would be able to happy.
Did you know that about 12 percent of the U.S. population gets migraines? Unfortunately, I am in that 12%, and let me tell you it sucks. Waking up in the morning and the first thing you think is I wonder if I will get another migraine today and I hope it is not too bad, should I pack extra ibuprofen with me when I leave. It's hard to concentrate when you stop by. You always appear at the worst time; like at work, or in the middle of a test, but I guess you must really like me because you stick around for hours, not even 800mg ibuprofen takes the pain away. Also, when I talk to my doctor I get a weird look and asked if it's a headache or a migraine which is sometimes both.
I understand everyone gets lonely and wants attention, but you are asking for way too much. You are very clingy. My emotions for you go from very angry to irritated. I try to break up with you but you never seem to leave. You cause me so much anxiety and stress, I feel like I am going to explode.
Hopefully, someday we will break away from each other so I can I find peace and be happy once again. I no longer want to be one of that 12 % of people that get migraines. I want to be the person that can get through a class or test without getting light headed and having you around. I know you will never fully go away but if you could visit less often that would be great.