An Open Letter To Mi Gente | The Odyssey Online
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An Open Letter To Mi Gente

Our struggle for justice must continue.

An Open Letter To Mi Gente
Voces de la Frontera

It’s frustrating living in the United States as an undocumented immigrant. Hateful, closed-minded people on social media and demagogic politicians are constantly throwing empty words in our faces-- words like “aliens” and “criminals” and “illegals.” The slivers of hope that we try so desperately to hold onto are constantly snatched from our hands. People see us as statistics, political pawns, and nuisances. They forget that each of us is a living, breathing human being with a story to tell and a reason to be here.

The Supreme Court’s decision (or lack thereof) on United States v. Texas, for example, has left so many of us without hope. Their 4-4 vote means that responsible people in this country must remain in the shadows, trudging along the path to success. Mothers and fathers must once again live in fear of being torn away from their children. A life in this country is not guaranteed for the millions of immigrants who were affected by this decision. America has closed its doors on us; our only goal is to live a better life.

I understand that during times like these, it can be easy to falter and lose hope. Remember that whatever may be going on in Washington, or in your state, or even in your local county, you have a purpose for being here. We’re here to struggle and earn the rights that we deserve as the human beings that we are. Parents are here because they want to guarantee a better life for their children. Their goal is to make sure that their hijos do not have to go through what they endured as young people. We who are living as undocumented young people in the United States want to secure our futures. Going back to our countries of origin is not an option for us, because the violence and the poverty will suffocate our potential. Nearly every single one of us living in this country is trying to search for a better life and trying to escape the confines of injustice.

The only thing left to do in times like these is to continue fighting. Go out into the world and turn your anger and despair and frustration into a roaring voice. Use your outrage to protest the injustices of discrimination and governmental inaction. Scream at the top of your lungs and make sure America notices us. Let them know that we’re not here to ruin their country; we’re here to improve our lives. Yell at those who refuse to listen, and tell them we are part of the beauty that is America. The aim of our struggle is to obtain a life that can only be found in this country. Your silence is a statement of your complicity with those who try to undermine our value as human beings.

I’d even be bold enough to say that an undocumented person living in this country is America. And you don’t need anyone to make you great again, because greatness is inherent to our character. Always remember that the struggle continues. Always remember: sí se puede.

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